Friday, June 13, 2014

Back by (moderately) popular demand

Hello again! Long time no blog. The last three weeks have flown by in a blur of too many white wine spritzers, American Horror Story marathons, and occasional jaunts to faraway locales.

Behold the briefest of updates...

  1. Running: huzzah! I've been battling plantar fasciitis since Christmastime and this week made my very gradual return to running. Before I was injured I was routinely running about 4-5 times per week, with the requisite Saturday long run to prepare for a marathon. Sadly I had to back out of the race but I'm hoping to try again next May! I'm using the Couch to 5K app to help get me back in it and I highly recommend it for beginning runners and the previously-injured. 
  2. Turkey: remember my previous post about my quest to be the glammest bitch on the beach? Well I don't know if I pulled it off, but I do know I wore an overlarge sunhat and drank cocktails poolside for a week. So there's that. I'll do a full post next week (probably) because I need to relive the best holiday of my life.
  3. Seattle: I'm home! I booked an impromptu trip to Seattle early this week to catch some sun, stare at the ocean, and bemoan my decision to stay in Ireland another year. Seattle is seriously the most beautiful place on earth, but let's not tell anyone because I want it to remain pristine and uncharted. 
  4. American SHOPPING: You knew I was going to say this, right? I've been home two days and already been to Target, Sephora, and MAC. Unless my dad wants a Revlon Balm Stain for Father's Day I'm afraid he might be slightly disappointed this Sunday when he realizes none of my shopping has been for him. Stay tuned for an obnoxious post about all the shizz I spent my not-yet-earned money on. 
  5. Employment: Sweet baby Jane I have a job! I'm starting work on July 3rd in a hospital in Ireland. To any of my Irish readers...don't get sick or injured in July. Please.
I'm so sorry to leave you with only a sad little update for now but I promise good posts will be forthcoming. Today it was only about 65 F outside so I had plenty of time to play around with my new purchases and get ideas for a post. 

In the meantime please enjoy two photos from my holiday in Turkey! My friends and I did a hot dog legs contest (whatever that is) so here is my submission: 

and naturally I am nothing without a good beach tote. I chose this one from Kate Spade which was rather appropriate for a holiday that was an excuse to get White Girl Wasted every single night. 

Till next time! I promise I'll write you a better post soon. Today's forecast is for rain (harrumph) so I'll probably churn out some questionable beauty writing. 

xo Caitlin

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