Saturday, June 14, 2014

Shameless Materialism: Really F*cking Expensive Shampoo

Hello and welcome back to Shameless Materialism! This column is all about products I've finished up and re-purchased. It is an ode to the all-time best ever products that the beauty industry has produced and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. 

Oh my God, you guys, I know I just wrote a Shameless Materialism post about Kerastase shampoo and gushed about how it's basically the best thing that's ever happened in my sad, dark life. And I know banging on about shampoo is lame and boring or whatever. But here's the thing: I'm in Seattle. And that means I'm in my childhood bathroom, where I re-discovered this intense and fabulous shampoo and I need to tell you everything about it. Ready? 

It's by Philip B and called the Russian Imperial Amber Shampoo (available herehere, and I think I saw it at Barney's once). It costs $140 for 12 oz. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY DOLLARS for a product that literally gets washed down the drain (Pro tip: it's cheaper on Amazon. But there is a theoretical risk that it could be a fake. I dunno, make your choices and let me know what happens). Anyway, yeah it is easily the most decadent product I own and someday I will look back on my twenties and feel ashamed of my wanton spending. I really don't even know if I can tell you that this shampoo is worth the price, because "worth it" is a relative term depending on your own needs/wants/abilities/priorities whatever. I will tell you, though, that a 12 oz bottle lasts me well over a year because it is so goddamn expensive that I use it sparingly and treat it like it's made of gold. I've had strong words with my little brother, who shares my bathroom, about how he is never to touch it. I wouldn't hesitate to remove one of his hands for stealing my Philip B shampoo. 

The second ingredient in Russian Imperial Amber Shampoo is sodium laureth sulfate, a detergent agent that creates the satisfying lather, which some people find irritating or drying. In my experience the high SLS content actually leaves my hair satisfyingly squeaky-clean and is excellent for clearing product buildup. It's never drying and I actually don't ever follow it with conditioner because it's so moisturizing. My hair is left clean and voluminous (product buildup is the natural enemy of volume) and incredibly shiny. The shampoo is a little weird at first, it's a thick paste texture that has to be massaged and warmed in your hands before you can work it into your hair. If I'm honest though, the thing that draws me back year after year is the scent. According to Philip B's website: "the tantalizing botanical scent channels the opulence of the Romanov dynasty, when the healing and calming properties of Amber Oil were treasured by a privileged few." To me it smells decadent and rich. My hair literally looks and smells like a million (okay, a hundred) bucks. Unlike other hair products I've used this scent actually hangs around for nearly two days! Ka-ching! 

Today I was in a really weird mood. I went for my run and then was sitting reading a really strange book (Petals in the Wind by V.C. Andrews, if you're curious) but I just couldn't shake this weird, anxious, blues-y feeling. I blame the random cloudy weather we had in Seattle today. So naturally I solved my problems by taking a Xanax. Kidding, kind of. I couldn't find any Xanax in the house. Instead I took a really long bath and washed my hair with my ridiculously expensive shampoo. I couldn't work up the energy to shave my legs (sorry) or hunt down bubble bath or whatever, but the ritual was meditative and left me smelling like a frickin' Grand Duchess so I obviously felt a good bit better afterwards. Now my weird mood swing seems to have settled and I'd like to thank my Past Self for investing so wisely in my mental health. 

Yes, I can justify just about any purchase you need me to. I'm officially declaring Philip B Russian Imperial Amber Shampoo better than benzodiazepines. 

image source
What's the most decadent thing you've ever purchased? How did you justify it? Did you have to hide the receipts or dine on ramen after? 

Do svidanya i spokoynoy nochi, 
xo Caitlin

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