Sunday, April 13, 2014

Springing Forward

Spring fashion - is there anything more typically yawn-worthy? Every year I browse Grafton Street hoping for inspiration and feeling like Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada.

Instead I've spent my time looking elsewhere for ways to up my fashion game without breaking the bank or getting caught up in the endless cycle of fast fashion and waste. How am I putting my little grey cells to work, you ask?

  1. I finally caved and signed up for GlossyBox. I spent ages hemming and hawing over whether I really needed more beauty products but today I bit the bullet and subscribed! My friends in the States are very spoiled by the likes of BirchBoxNature Box, and Wantable but as far as I can tell GlossyBox is the only option for us on the Emerald Isle. No matter! I look forward to sampling everything I can get my paws on and enduring the judgmental looks from the postman.
  2. I've been looking in new and unusual places to get my sundress fix. Right now I'm obsessed with the maternity styles from Seraphine even though I'm not pregnant (unless we count the Food Baby, but shhh let's not). All the dresses are comfy, stretchy, and will easily transition to summer. I'm pairing mine with leather jackets, black tights, and ankle boots now but can't wait to upgrade to sandals and sunglasses. 
  3. Can we talk 90s for a second? The 90s are clearly having A Moment, much in the way the 80s had A Moment when I was in High School. I've been using my study breaks to revisit my love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I'm digging Buffy and Faith's tremendously inappropriate makeup and fashion looks for school. I'm thinking this spring I'll bust out some mini skirts and Clinique Black Honey Almost Lipstick (available here you lazy bums). I might skip the crop tops though, due to aforementioned Food Baby. Watch this space for details on biting Buffy's 90s style. 
  4. Speaking of the 90s - remember Cher Horowitz's amazing closet that was run by some sort of robotic witchcraft? Every girl my age dreamt of a closet like that. I am still waiting for Microsoft to develop the technology with the dry-cleaner railings and remote control functions. In the meantime I've been playing with Stylebook, an iPhone app that lets you catalog your closet, create looks, and then keep track of when you wore everything. It feeds my obsessive compulsive tendencies but does tend to bring out the worst in me when I realize I've worn the same black dress pants for the last 12 days. My style resolution for spring is to retire anything on the "Top 25 Most Worn" List (a depressing list of sensible ballet flats, black dress pants, and pearl studs. Oh, the shame) temporarily and revitalize my outfits and soul with some of the items on the "Never Worn" List. For those interested, the Never Worn List is a very upsetting visual reminder of my impulse buys. We must destroy it immediately. 
How are you updating your wardrobe for spring? Ponder that and weigh in! 

Also, let's play a quick Shag/Marry/Kill...

Is it obvious that I would probably kill Angel? 

Controversial, I know.

Till next time!
xo Caitlin

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