Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Perfumed Court, for your inner (French) commitmentphobe

Many moons ago (okay, last month or something) one of the commenters over on xoVain started a thread about finding your "signature scent."In theory I'm all about the signature scent because it evokes memories of my ultra-glam high school French teacher who trailed a wake of Chanel No. 5 so thick you could choke on it. However reading the thread made me realize that I'm not ready to commit to a signature scent just yet. Lately I'm partial to either Stella in Two (apparently discontinued, thankfully I buy in bulk) or anything by Jo Malone but life is short and I'm still young - why settle down before I have to? I'm on the hunt for some more grown-up scents that convey a bit more sex appeal. I'll probably rotate them and layer them depending on my moods. Identity crises are tres chic, mark my words.

A bit of Internet detective work (okay, a quick Google search) led me to The Perfumed Court, a cool website that sells decanted samples from a variety of brands. I always love getting perfume samples with my Sephora orders so The Perfumed Court takes me to a new level of pleasure heretofore unexplored. I spent hours clicking around the website picking out the perfect samples and I'm sure I'll be writing about them in more detail as I experiment with them. For now, here are the new fragrances that made the cut. All are readily available at most department stores, Sephoras, or airport duty free shops (my preferred beauty destination).
  1. Mahogany by Demeter
  2. Salt Air by Demeter
  3. Paperback by Demeter
  4. Flower Market by Maison Margiela
  5. Lazy Sunday Morning by Maison Margiela
  6. Beach Walk by Maison Margiela
  7. Addict by Christian Dior
  8. Le Baiser du Dragon by Cartier
  9. Agent Provocateur
Since it's exam season I think I'll be wearing Paperback by Demeter to the library tomorrow, maybe layering it with Agent Provocateur to create a sexy librarian vibe. In a few weeks I'll be sunning myself leathery in Turkey and plan to wear Beach Walk on the daily to help me channel my inner surfer babe. I wish someone would make a beach-themed perfume that smelled like sunscreen, coconuts, and Spam musubi to take me back to my misspent youth in Hawaii.

Do you have a signature scent? Or, like me, are you still finding yourself and therefore not ready to settle down yet? What makes a signature scent The One?

Also - can I market my Sunscreen As Perfume idea? What is your inner surfer babe named?

A demain, mes petit freres! 
xo Caitlin 

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