Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Le Geek, C'est Chic

It's that time of year again. Students will know exactly what I mean - finals season! I've been spending a lot of quality time in the library with my nose in a book and my eyes watering from staring at my laptop screen for hours on end. Fortunately I have my beautiful classmates keeping my company and I'm psyched to share their beauty tips with you. Obviously these tips aren't just for library geeks, anyone working long hours or night shifts can probably pick up a new idea or two.

Your Face

As an out and proud Eye Rubber/Face Toucher/Lip Biter I've pretty much nailed my library beauty routine. I need something that takes five minutes in the morning, requires minimal touchups, and makes me look pulled-together enough that if I run into my ex on my way home I don't have to turn and run (again).

I start with BB cream to even things out a bit. I don't like a full foundation look for the library, in part because I want my skin to breathe and in part because I think library beauty should be effortless. No one wants to be that chick who spent longer getting ready than actually studying. So BB cream it is. I also leave my dark circles alone, they are badges of honour! I earned them and they make me look tough! But if you aren't as twisted as I am you might want to cover them up. I like YSL Touche Eclat because it cancels out the blue shades without looking cakey or orange.

I keep my eye makeup minimal. I know I'll be rubbing my eyes when I get tired so I like products with serious lasting power. I use Bobbi Brown's gel eyeliner with Benefit They're Real mascara. I also swipe a little bit of Benefit Eye Bright in my inner corners and waterlines to look more awake. I love the eyeliner and mascara here because they stay all day and don't flake into my eyes.

For cheeks and lips I like to go with a bright and colorful stain product. You can really use anything you like here, I alternate between Benefit's Benetint, Revlon Balm Stains, and NARS lip pencils depending on my mood. I find that having a colour on my lips keeps me from biting them when I'm concentrating. Also it makes me look a little more awake and healthy! That's super crucial for library vampires. The only product I toss into my purse is the lip product so I can reapply after lunch or coffee - see above re: potential scary run-ins.

In this photo I actually skipped the blush altogether because I felt like the lip colour was pretty bright on its own! I put a tiny bit of navy eyeliner at the corner of my eyes and lashings of mascara. The whole look takes no time at all but makes me look pulled-together and lasts all day. It's not exactly revolutionary to wear red lipstick, but around my friends a bright lip is definitely A Statement and I'm all about making statements without having to actually put in effort.

NARS Matte Velvet Lip Pencil in Dragon Girl, Benefit's They're Real Mascara. 

Your Hair

It's tempting to throw my hands up in defeat and put my hair into yet another ponytail. But a gym-ready ponytail with bright lipstick is defeatist. And that's not for us! Put on Eye of the Tiger and get your comb out, girl.

The goal here is something that will keep my hair off my face, look cute enough for humans to see, and will not give me a headache after 10 hours or so. Enter: magnificent braiding. It takes me less than five minutes to work a braid into my hair in some way and yet people give me credit for it like I'm some kind of genius. It's perfectly simple! I actually take my inspiration from vintage Lauren Conrad on The Hills - remember her pretty little side braids? In this photo I did two French braids right at the hairline, ending in tiny elastics at the nape of the neck. This basically creates the same effect as a headband would but is comfortable for hours on end and looks somewhat bohemian and deliberate. To give hair a little more grip I like to spray it with surf spray or hairspray before and after the braiding magic happens so it'll hold better. As the day goes on the braids will naturally loosen but I think this adds to the subtle IDGAF vibe and I like it.

I don't know how I look more tan in this photo than the other one. iPhone cameras are weird. 
Your Clothes

Again, the temptation is to put on sweatpants, a sports bra, and a T-shirt from your high school drama club. Resist! Unless that's your thing, in which case, why are you even here? (JOKES. Please stay) I am all about comfort and refuse to buy into the idea that comfort and cuteness are mutually exclusive. Now your outfit will vary depending on the weather and the ambient temperature of your actual study or workspace. Our school kindly keeps the library at approximately the same temperature as the surface of the sun while it is typically mid-40s F outside. That means layers layers layers. I like a pair of boyfriend jeans, comfy plimsolls, a loose top, and an optional cardigan. The whole look is effortless and just as comfortable as sweats but also transitions to dinner or the pub easily. Click through to see product info.
Library Time

Library Time by callmecate. Alternative outfit: scrubs.

How do you stay cute when your instinct is to hibernate? Weigh in below. Also as I edited this post I realized that I rapidly switch between first person and second person in the narrative. If any English teachers are reading this (or, God forbid, my former English teachers) I apologize, sincerely. I haz all the dumbs from studying too much. In medicine 99% of my writing is abbreviated anyway.

xo Caitlin

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