Saturday, July 19, 2014

That Time I Took the Buzzfeed Clean Eating Challenge

Remember earlier this year when Buzzfeed published the Buzzfeed Clean Eating Challenge? For some reason my favourite website for Spice Girls gifs was publishing healthy eating advice and it actually seemed doable and reasonable. Unfortunately at the time I was busy traveling and not staying still for very long, so I held off trying it until now because I wanted to take the time to do it right and do it consistently. Read on for the carbophiles guide to a 2 week detox.

Day 1 Monday: It's the first day at my new job and for some unknown reason I chose this week to go caffeine, alcohol, and carb-free. Kill me. Seriously kill me. My new flatmates think I'm a healthy eating nutjob because I've eaten so much kale.

Breakfast was the kale banana smoothie which I choked down but surprisingly kept me full until midday. At lunch I wolfed down the salad and snack portions at the same time because I am an idiot and didn't portion out the salad properly. It is disappointingly small and sad. Dinner was yet another salad. I desperately wish for warmer weather because salads on overcast rainy days make me want to kill myself.

Day 2 Tuesday: I'm starting to settle into the cleanse and realize I can trick myself into feeling like I'm eating carbs by adding quinoa to EVERYTHING. So far no hypoglycemic attacks but my boss bought me coffee today and I didn't want to be rude (and I actually really desperately wanted coffee) so I had a latte, oh well.

Day 3 Wednesday: As the week progresses and I become tired and worn out from work I'm super grateful to be following a meal plan and coming home knowing that all the food I need is already in the fridge. I also love the salad dressing recipes, they were simple for a total newbie like me and extremely flavourful even though they only have a few ingredients. The smoothie recipes so far are lame and I hate them. They make too much and the flavours are dull.

Day 4 Thursday: Ugh cauliflower steak for dinner last night and eggs for breakfast this morning is just a little too much blegh for me. Who the hell uses cauliflower when an actual steak would do?! This will kill me.

By Thursday afternoon I actually am totally fine and have recovered from the shock of eating cauliflower steak. But I am still offended by its existence.

Day 5 Friday: Hooray for the weekend! I no longer care about the no-alcohol part of the cleanse. A glass of wine is exactly what I need at the end of the week and it tastes even better because it is "forbidden."

Week 1 is more or less done! I feel great, I think the calorie amounts were perfect even though I saw some bloggers saying they couldn't survive on so little. The cleanse actually plans for you to eat six small meals a day which isn't really doable at work so I end up having my "snacks" as desserts after meals and that keeps me going well enough. Also I realized I'm not that into almond butter. Week 2 starts this weekend with all the prepping and getting ready and I'm excited! I hope that I'll pick up some healthy eating habits from the cleanse and definitely love that I know all these new salad recipes!

Speak soon,
xo CaitlinK

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